
Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Before you continue please consider the following.We have no electricity and no hot water. The current daytime temperatures can be a little uncomfortable for people are are used to bundling up at this time of year in their home country. For that reason our tours are conducted either in the morning or late afternoon. During mid-day it is plenty comfortable in the shade. As for electricity,we furnish battery powered lights.   And nights are perfectly comfortable for people with normal metabolisms.

The private bathroom has a room temperature bucket bath with a clean Western toilet.  In the very cold days-say late December to mid-January we can boil water and add it to the water bucket. 

Also, the cabin ( see side picture) is inhabited, not overrun by a few non-venomous spiders which eat mosquitoes. (Our intrepid staff will remove them at no extra cost to you).

If you are not fit enough for a three-hour-walk about in the fields or if you will miss your hair dryer please consider your decision carefully. We introduce you to the real rural life, because we not only live with Cambodians, we live like them.

Also, if you are headed to Siam Reap, Phnom Penh, Kratie, or Stung Treng or wherever, do not buy a ticket in Kampong Cham. We will purchase the outbound ticket for you and have the bus stop in front of our house at no extra cost to you.

Please do NOT try to find our place on your own unless you speak Cambodian. There are no signs-I've no desire to citify the place-plus our house sits off the road completely obscured by large mango trees and a banana grove. Unfortunately, many visitors do not read this blog too closely and think that we are a guesthouse where you can show up unannounced.

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